Frequently asked questions

Please refer to the frequently asked questions below which may be helpful.

Customer FAQs

A GPRN (Gas Point Registration Number) is a unique 7 digit reference number used to identify a connection to the gas network. This can be found on your gas bill from your natural gas supplier.

If you are interested in connecting your home to natural gas check our connection map. Or, you can contact our Customer Care team on 1800 464 464 or email, and we can discuss further with you.

Please visit our webpage on the benefits of natural gas which details the benefits of choosing natural gas. Natural gas is the most environmentally friendly fossil fuel available. Our continued need for energy and the heightened awareness of our environmental responsibilities has undoubtedly elevated the value of natural gas in our lives.

What is the basic cost for a gas connection?

Type of connectionDescriptionLength of serviceCostFurther information
Existing property The gas network runs adjacent to the property Up to 15 metres

€220.00 (Vat exclusive)

€249.70 (Vat inclusive)

    Every metre over over 15m (Gas Networks Ireland trenching)

€45.21 per metre (Vat exclusive)

€51.32 per metre (Vat inclusive)

A quotation will be provided. Some quotations may require a visit to the property to be connected.

Every metre over 15m (providing your own trench)

€9.66 per metre (Vat exclusive)

€10.97 per metre (Vat inclusive)
A quotation will be provided. Some quotations may require a visit to the property to be connected.

To open a gas account you need to choose and contact a gas supplier. A list of current gas suppliers is available on the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) website.

RGI stands for Registered Gas Installer. Only RGIs are legally allowed to work on domestic gas installations. 

  • They have at least a GID (Gas Installer Domestic) qualification or equal in gas safety which makes them competent to work on natural gas.
  • They have valid insurance.
  • They are on the register of RGIs and carry an ID Card with a valid date.

As part of getting connected, you will need an RGI to carry out internal works in your home. You can find RGI’s for your area on the RGI website.

For any queries in relation to your bill, please contact your gas supplier. You will find their contact details on your bill or on Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) website.

You can submit a reading online or over the phone using our 24-hour Dial-A-Read service. You must always quote your GPRN, which can be found on the no access card or on your bill issued by your natural gas supplier.

Phone: Call 1800 427 732 our 24 hour automated Dial-A-Read line
Online: Submit a meter reading

For information about meter readings, and how to submit a meter reading, please visit our meter readings webpage.

We read your meter three times a year, depending on access to your meter. This, along with three estimated readings a year helps us keep your gas bill accurate. Estimations are based on your previous meter read history and other factors such as temperature and weather patterns. If we cannot access your meter i.e. it is indoors or behind a locked gate this can also result in an estimated read.

Gascards are available at all Payzone outlets, Post Point and Post offices. To find an outlet for your area please visit:

Please visit our move your meter webpage for information on altering or relocating your gas meter.

Please visit our Pay As You Go meter page which has information on how to resolve problems with your pre-pay meter.

Gas used is measured in cubic meters or cubic feet, however, your gas supplier must bill you on the basis of energy used i.e. kiloWatt hours (kWhs). For domestic gas usage a conversion formula is used to convert cubic meters or cubic feet into kWhs. This conversion formula has been approved by the Commission for Energy Regulation. For more information see the Commission for Regulation of Utilities website. The conversion formula can vary nationwide, as it depends on the local temperature, pressure and calorific value of the gas.

For any queries in relation to your bill including conversion factor queries, please contact your gas supplier. 

We own, operate, build and maintain the natural gas network in Ireland. We connect all customers to the network, regardless of their supplier. When connecting to the gas network, you will need to open a gas account and register with a gas supplier. Your supplier handles billing you for your gas usage. A list of current gas suppliers is available on the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) website.

You would need to contact us if:

  • You need to report a gas fault or emergency.
  • You have no gas
  • You are looking to get connected to the natural gas network (connect your home to natural gas)
  • You need your gas meter moved
  • You need pipes moved
  • You need to know the location of underground pipes (Dial Before You Dig)
  • You would like to submit a meter reading
  • Your meter was safety locked and your RGI has removed the lock, you must contact us with the cert details (cert 3) they have provided so that we can update our system. If we do not receive the cert details from you or your RGI it may result in incorrect estimated reads being issued.