Scheduling charges and imbalance prices
Entry Scheduling Charges
Entry Scheduling Charge
Quantity means a quantity of natural gas calculated by the Transporter for each Registered Shipper at each Entry Point for a Day in accordance with the following formulae:
Where a Shipper's Final Entry Allocation for a Day at an Entry Point is greater than the Shipper's Valid Entry Nomination or Valid Entry Renomination at the Entry Point for the Day:
ESCQentry = (ALLentry - (NOMentry + TOLentry))
Where a Shipper's Valid Entry Nomination or Valid Entry Renomination for a Day at an Entry Point is greater than the Shipper's Final Entry Allocation for the Day:
ESCQentry = (NOMentry - (ALLentry + TOLentry))
Entry Scheduling Tolerance
Means a quantity of natural gas equal to three (3) per cent of the Valid Entry Nomination or Valid Entry Renomination at each Entry Point made on a Day by a Shipper plus where applicable the quantity of natural gas equal to the applicable Entry Point Variance Tolerance in respect of such Shipper at the relevant Entry Point on the Day
Entry Scheduling Charges
The Entry Scheduling Charge payable by each Shipper at each Entry Point in respect of a Day shall be calculated by the Transporter in accordance with the following formula:
ESCentry = ESCQentry * (5% FTIP)
Exit Charges
Exit Scheduling
Charge Quantity means a quantity of natural gas calculated by the Transporter for each Shipper in accordance with the following formulae:
Where on a Day a Shipper's Final Exit Allocation is greater than its Valid Exit Nomination or Valid Exit Renomination: (a) for each LDM Offtake; or (b) in respect of such Shipper's DM Offtakes; or (c) in respect of the onward delivery of natural gas to such Shipper's NDM Supply Points:
ESCQexit = (ALLexit - NOMexit) - (Y%*NOMexit)
Where on a Day a Shipper's Final Exit Allocation is less than its Valid Exit Nomination or Valid Exit Renomination (a) for each LDM Offtake; or (b) in respect of such Shipper's DM Offtakes; or (c) in respect of the onward delivery of natural gas to such Shipper's NDM Supply Points:
ESCQexit = (NOMexit - ALLexit) - (Y%*NOM exit)
Provided always that if a NDM Shipper has consistently achieved a Valid NDM Exit Nominations and Valid Exit Re-nominations in accordance with the NDM Nomination Advice and NDM Renomination Advice(s) issued by the Transporter, the Exit Scheduling Charge Quantity in respect of the relevant NDM Exit Allocation shall be zero.
Exit Scheduling Tolerance
Means a quantity of natural gas equal to the applicable percentage of the Valid Exit Nominations or the Valid Exit Renominations made on a Day by a Shipper. The applicable percentage shall be as set out in the following:
- Sector %
- LDM 10 (including Multiple Shipper LDM)
- DM 20
- NDM 20
Exit Scheduling Charges
The Exit Scheduling Charge payable by each Shipper in respect of a Day will be calculated by the Transporter in accordance with the following formula:
ESCexit = ESCQexit * (5% * FTIP)
Imbalance prices
A Shipper's imbalance is the difference between the Shipper's Entry Allocation and their Exit Allocation. Each Gas Day the Transporter "cashes-out" each of the network Shippers' Imbalances. Any quantity of gas left in the network is in effect bought by the Transporter from the Shipper while excess quantities of gas taken from the network by Shippers, is charged by the Transporter to Shippers. Imbalance Prices are calculated in accordance with Part E of the Code of Operations.
Term | Meaning |
ESCQentry |
the Shipper's Entry Scheduling Charge Quantity for the Day at the Entry Point |
ALLentry |
the Shipper's Entry Scheduling Charge Quantity for the Day at the Entry Point |
NOMentry |
the Shipper's Valid Entry Nomination or Valid Entry Renomination for the Day at the Entry Point |
TOLentry |
the Entry Scheduling Tolerance applicable to the Shipper on the Day at the Entry Point |
ESCentry |
the Entry Scheduling Charge |
ESCQentry |
a Shipper's Entry Scheduling Charge Quantity for the Day at an Entry Point |
the First Tier Imbalance Price for the Day |
ESCQexit |
the Shipper's Exit Scheduling Charge Quantity for the Day in respect of the Shipper's LDM Offtake or in respect of the Shipper’s DM Offtake(s) or in respect of the onward delivery of natural gas to the Shipper’s NDM Supply Points (as the case may be) |
ALLexit |
the Shipper's Final Exit Allocation for a Day in respect of the Shipper's LDM Offtake(s) or in respect of the Shipper’s DM Offtake(s) or in respect of the onward delivery of natural gas to the Shipper’s NDM Supply Points (as the case may be) |
NOMexit |
the Shipper’s Valid Exit Nomination or Valid Exit Renomination for a Day in respect of the Shipper's LDM Offtake(s) or in respect of the Shipper’s DM Offtake(s) or in respect of the onward delivery of natural gas to the Shipper’s NDM Supply Points (as the case may be) |
Y% |
the applicable Exit Scheduling Tolerance as set out above |
ESCexit |
the Exit Scheduling Charge |
ESCQexit |
a Shipper's Exit Scheduling Charge Quantity for a Day at an Exit Pointv |