Financial information

Purchase orders, funding and sponsorships at Gas Networks Ireland

2022 Quarterly Procurement Spend

2021 Quarterly Procurement Spend

2020 Quarterly Procurement Spend

2019 Quarterly Procurement Spend

2018 Quarterly Procurement Spend

2017 Quarterly Procurement Spend

Board Member Remuneration

Annual Reports

Funding/Sponsorship of Non-Public Bodies

Gas Networks Ireland provided funding and sponsorship to the organisations listed below since 2014:


Leave no Trace - €25,000. Business in the Community - €20,000. Junior Achievement Ireland (‘Energize’ programme to promote science education in schools) €18,750. Age Action – €13,338. Cork Penny Dinners - €12,000. Irish Cancer Society - €12,000. Merchants Quay – €12,000. St. Vincent de Paul €12,000. Laois Chamber Sponsorship - €12,000


Business in the Community - €20,000. Junior Achievement Ireland (‘Energize’ programme to promote science education in schools) €37,600. Mercy Hospital Cork (donation for medical equipment) €20,000. Age Action - COVID-19 hardship fund support – €13,000. School foodbank fund - €20,000. Sponsorship of the National Power Summit 2020 - €6,500. IBEC Regional Insights Series Headline Sponsorship - €20,000.


IBEC Regional Insights Series - €30,000. Construction Industry Federation (CIF) - Sponsorships of CIF Health and Safety Summit and Southern Construction Summit - €14,500. Cooperation Ireland - Supporting Youth Leadership Programme in Cork and Dublin - €20,000. Business in the Community - €20,000. Junior Achievement Ireland - ‘Energize’ programme to promote science education in schools - €37,600.


Cooperation Ireland, supporting Youth Leadership Programme in Cork and Dublin - €20,000. Business in the Community - €20,000. Junior Achievement Ireland, redesign and launch of ‘Energize’ programme to promote science education in schools - €34,000.


Newstalk & Today FM to sponsor Montcrieff, Fergal D’arcy and The Sunday Business Show to promote natural gas - €157,000 (rate card price). Wexford Opera sponsorship - €20,000 TV3 sponsorship ‘The Restaurant’ to promote natural gas - €250,000 (rate card price). Cooperation Ireland – supporting Youth Leadership Programme in Cork and Dublin- €20,000. Business in the Community - €20,000. Junior Achievement Ireland sponsorship of ‘Our Universe’ programme to promote science education in schools - €34,000. Sponsorship of Green Fleet Management with Natural Gas Power Conference - €10,000 Carbon Monoxide Radio and TV sponsorship - €215,000 (rate card price) Gas Escapes Radio sponsorship - €100,000 (rate card price) Growth campaign – promoting natural gas – radio sponsorship €312,000 (rate card price)


Wexford Opera sponsorship - €20,000. Newstalk & Today FM for sponsorship of Montcrieff, Fergal D’arcy and The Sunday Business Show to promote natural gas - €157,000 (rate card price). Junior Achievement Ireland sponsorship of ‘Our Universe’ programme to promote science education in schools - €34,000. Today FM’s Traffic and Travel sponsorship to promote gas safety awareness - €78,000 (rate card price). Carbon Monoxide Radio and TV sponsorship - €221,695 (rate card price). Business in the Community - €20,000.


Gas Networks Ireland entered an agreement with Wexford Opera Trust to sponsor their annual opera festival. The cost of this was €20,000. (background/rationale: goodwill towards the local businesses and residents during the construction works in the town during 2015).


Gas Networks Ireland entered an agreement with to sponsor the annual Nenagh Classic Cycle. The cost of this was €5,000. (background/rationale: goodwill towards the local businesses and residents during the construction works from 2014 to 2016).

Gas Networks Ireland entered an agreement with Lifetime Labs, an educational arm of Cork City Council to sponsor a bus which transports primary and secondary school children to the facility which exhibits the old Cork City Waterworks. The cost of this was €25,000. (background/rationale: to promote STEM and promote the new Gas Networks Ireland brand). We agreed to sponsor one race in the Cork Business Houses Athletics Association race series. The cost of this was €10,000. (background/rationale: to promote the new Gas Networks Ireland brand).