Decision making process

The process that decisions are subject to at Gas Networks Ireland


All Gas Networks Ireland’s major policy proposals are subject to the approval of the CRU who undertake public consultation exercises before making a decision to approve with or without amendments. Submissions are published on the CRU website.

In relation to Capital Investment Projects, Gas Networks Ireland consults with stakeholders and undertakes public consultations, to provide information on proposed projects and to seek the views of interested parties on what they consider should be considered by Gas Networks Ireland in developing the solution.

Gas Networks Ireland is also required to carry out Strategic Environmental Assessments on programmes of measures being planned and Environmental Impact assessments on projects that are above the statutory thresholds in the relevant regulations. We must for planning permission in respect of development under the Planning and Development Regulations either to the Planning Authority for the area in which the development is to take place or to An Bord Pleanála for Strategic Infrastructure as defined in the Regulations.

Reports on the Operations of Public Services by Gas Networks Ireland

Performance Related Pay

A new market-based reward structure was agreed and implemented in 2013, following negotiations, under the auspices of the Labour Relations Commission (LRC), with the Company’s Group of Unions (GOU) and a ballot of all staff. The new structure represented a fundamental change for all employees, a move away from a traditional time served increment-based model to a market and performance based model and included considerable cost savings. The most significant changes included:

  • Requirement for all pay ranges to be benchmarked externally
  • End of automatic pay progression to a model based on performance and market position
  • End of emphasis on fixed pay in favour of an element of pay at risk
  • Robust performance management for all employees
  • Lifting of pay freeze in 2016

The pay model provides for an element of performance related pay which is common in private companies and other commercial semi-state companies in Ireland. An individual’s performance related pay is based on three key elements, the performance of Ervia as a whole, the performance of their business unit within Ervia and the individual’s performance. This approach links an individual’s performance to their business unit and to the performance of Ervia as a company. It builds the sense of teamwork and focus on whole company performance.

In early 2015, the Board of Ervia commissioned an independent review of the pay model which was carried out by reward experts AON/&Ampersand. The report which was issued in September 2015 confirms that the pay model delivers value for money and sustainability. Specifically, it provides appropriate controls and robust management of pay levels, does not encourage or enable excessively high levels of pay within Ervia and the link between pay and performance is appropriate to encourage a high-performance culture.

Board Decisions

Board Decisions