Our network
Gas Networks Ireland has developed a world class gas infrastructure in Ireland consisting of over 14,664km of gas pipelines.
Network Reliability
From 1978, Gas Networks Ireland has developed a safe and secure gas network, with sufficient capacity for Ireland to meet energy demand in an ever competitive global economy. The distribution and transmission networks consist of over 14,664km of pipeline, and are linked to the UK and European gas markets through two Interconnector pipelines with Scotland.
Natural gas accounts for 30% of Ireland's total primary energy requirements, allowing over 720,000 Irish homes and businesses to rely on the network for their energy needs. Natural gas also forms a critical part for Ireland's electricity generation, with 52% of the country's annual electricity produced from natural gas.
The existing transmission and distribution networks have the capacity to accommodate substantial new loads and provides the optimal solution for large industry who require delivery of high pressure at their site. The natural gas network has demonstrated resilience and reliability through severe winter weather conditions, in particular, during December and January 2010, when record subzero temperatures were recorded. Read the following publication for further detail on the reliability and capacity of our gas network.
Network & Infrastructure
Gas Networks Ireland has developed a world class gas infrastructure in Ireland consisting of over 14,664km of gas pipelines. We construct and extend the network to the highest international safety standards, in line with the Commission for Regulation of Utilities policies. Through the New Connections Programme, Gas Networks Ireland brings the benefits of natural gas to new areas.
Network Development Plan (NDP)
The Gas Networks Ireland Network Development Plan 2021 provides a view of how the gas network will develop over a ten year period. It is based on existing supply and demand for gas, as well as projections for growth in gas infrastructure and consumption. The linked document also examines system operation and consequent capital investment requirements. The ten year period facilitates the planning and development of the gas network, which can involve long lead times in the delivery of infrastructure projects.
Forecasting Gas Demand and Supply in Ireland
Gas Networks Ireland has produced the linked document which provides an overview of the methodology for forecasting gas demand and supply in Ireland.
The Natural Gas Emergency Plan (NGEP)
The Natural Gas Emergency Plan (NGEP) has been prepared by Gas Networks Ireland in accordance with the requirements of the Gas (Interim) (Regulations) Act 2002 and Statutory Instrument 697 of 2007. The scope of the NGEP covers the two elements of emergency arrangements, emergency planning and operational response. The operational response to a gas supply emergency is led by the National Gas Emergency Manager (NGEM) in accordance with the NGEP. Gas Networks Ireland has been appointed the NGEM by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU). Revision 5 of the NGEP was approved by the CRU in October 2022. For any queries on the NGEP please contact us by email at emergencyplanning@gasnetworks.ie.
For more information about the Natural Gas Emergency Plan, please view our FAQs.
Asset Management Policy
The Gas Networks Ireland Asset Management Policy outlines our commitment to providing a safe and dependable gas network by optimised and sustainable management of the network's assets throughout their lifecycles.